115 East Main Avenue, Myerstown, PA,

717.628.1667 • generationdancellc@gmail.com

Copyright 2015. Generation Dance, LLC.. All rights reserved.

Website Designed by The Artist's Webb

                                                                                              Discounted Family Tuition:


                                        1 Student                      2nd Student                      3rd Student  

                                                                                 Per Month:
Combo Class
                  $45.00                              $31.50                                 $27.00

1 class/week                    $55.00                              $38.50                                 $33.00


2 classes/week                $95.00                              $66.50                                 $57.00


3 classes/week                $115.00                            $80.50                                 $69.00


4 classes/week                $125.00                            $87.50                                 $75.00


5 classes/week                $135.00                            $94.50                                 $81.00


All tuition is due on the 1st of each month, September - May.

Please note: Tuition is an annual fee broken down into 9 monthly payments. 

Tuition Policies: $40.00 Individual registration fee / $55.00 per family, due by credit card at the time of registration. Registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

$10.00 late charge for payments made after the 10th of each month. 

Dance Tuition

Monthly Tuition